1. This is really funny, but only because it's a spoof. If it were real...oh wait, it is real and happening all over the country. Shame on you, Joel Osteen. I don't know about you, but I only make that face in the bathroom.
2. Though I've thus far avoided oozing progressive Christian admirational salve about Bono, I just can' t resist. No one else could have walked into the National Prayer Breakfast and
said the things that he did. I could almost hear James Dobson fuming in the background--after all, he didn't use the words "homosexual agenda" even once when describing our countries greatest needs.
3. The Twins need a new stadium. The
possibility of the Twins playing in Portland, North Carolina, or *gasp* Vegas in 2007 was almost enough to make me lost control of my bladder and emotions this morning. Just imagine how much trouble Lew Ford would get into in Sin City. Scary to think about. Keep our Twins here!! I'm talking to you, Pawlenty. Don't screw this up.
4. I watched an R-rated movie with a bunch of swearing and "sexual situations" in it last night. Guess where? That's right, in a seminary class. Of course, it was a class bout culture and ministry...so I can see...where that makes sense? It fit right in with the books we're reading about Black and Hispanic churches... I can't help but feeling something's amiss.
Life seems to be getting weirder by the day.
Labels: Bethel, Bits and Pieces
Timmer, I have to join in with you on the Bono thing. I honestly have never understood the progressive Christians' fetish with Bono. However, I am beggining to grow in apreciation for him as he speaks out on some issues that must be addressed. Sometimes I wonder if we treat him a bit like C.S. Lewis. He seems to be a person we Christians like to quote when convinient, yet we find it terribly easy to ignore the general body of what he is saying.
Post_Fidelitas, at 6:40 PM
Good call, pf. I couldn't help but think to myself after he was done speaking, "oh, THAT'S what the One campaign is about." I'm so in the dark about the rockstar/politician/fashion designer/Time magazine man of the year. Seriously though, I was talking to Jess about this--I can't think of a single other person who couldn've walked in to that gathering and said what he did in a way that respectful, heartfelt and demanding. Simply amazing. I hate to bandwagon about anything, but I've really got to tip my hat to Bono on this one. Rock on, sir. Stein auf.
timmer k., at 9:35 PM
mmmm... the Twins in NC.... yessss.....
Drew Scott, at 6:52 PM
I throw a temper tantrum yesterday as I read some comment JD was quoted on in Newsweek. I know not the best response on my part - but I was that mad. So I wrote a comment I am submitting.
So does my love for Bono make me a progressive Christian, what is a progressive Christian? All I know is Bono refelcts the love of Christ to me more than JD. I don't want to bandwagan, but here is a man using his popularity to promote his understanding of the kingdom of God. Or put another way, fulfilling a calling to use his gifts and his life to glorify God.
Joe, at 10:28 PM
Hey Joe! Good to hear your...voice. Right. Anyway, I wasn't trying to slam those who love Bono AT ALL. I just see lots of blogs about him and didn't see myself as ever writing one. Something within me that needs to go against the flow once in a while...I guess there's a little Matt Glatzel in all of us :)
I'm not sure what JD had to say, but there's a good chance it was foolish. Does that guy even love Jesus? I think he just loves a conservative American ideal...no matter.
And as far as "progressive Christian" goes, I've heard it defined a lot of ways. It can range anywhere from squeamishness about the five points to a centrist/left political view. So if you don't automatically pull the "R" lever at the polls and you still love Jesus, I guess that makes you a progressive Christian.
timmer k., at 9:14 AM
Who is JD?
Post_Fidelitas, at 1:46 PM
I think Joe meant James Dobson--the protestant pope.
timmer k., at 2:05 PM
i do go against the flow. i called some guy an a-hole at the beach today. he was being one, but so was i. so, maybe tim's blog should be changed from speckled mind to... confession.
bono kicks ass. im so progressive. the one campaign is about the song right? and eggplant parmesan.
i just found out that the magic ingredients to good eggplant are ricotta and creme fraiche.
hi joe!
mjonthemove, at 8:51 PM
Good call Matt, but try and go easy on the swearing.
I was referring to James Dobson.
Joe, at 11:44 PM
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