Quotes From Class Tonight

Alex G: What do Albanians have to offer me? NOTHING!
Professor: "I need you to stick your neck on the chopping block here. That's the point of the excercise."
Alex G: "We talked about the value of self-starter-ness."
Alex G: "Is there a bad rub?"
Micah: "So is it a stereotype or a sociotype to say that all Minnesotans sit on buckets and ice fish in the winter?"
Professor: "Female blondes are stupid."
Professor: "Blondes are more fun."
Professor: "Some of you would have a defensiveness about you."
Brad: "No I don't!!"
Professor: "The research can be a lot worse than this class."
Me: "The point is the gorilla, Micah."
Professor: "I just wanna deal with the gorilla."
Labels: Bethel, Theological Musings
You have brightened my day immensely! I especially like the quote from the professor "The reasearch is much worse than the class." What does that mean anyway! hahha.
You have just made my day my friend.
Bradley M, at 11:22 AM
Your class sounds...unproductive.
Joe, at 2:40 PM
Culture and Ministry - worst class ever, and I've been in a lot of classes. Ralph something taught it when I was there, and, in the name of racial/ethnic/spiritual/socioeconomic/dietary diversity he managed to validate every stereotype I never struggled with before...
Oh, don't get me started...
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM
she wolf, nothing would make me happier than seeing you get started. Few can do it so eloquently or make me laugh so hard. I heart and miss you.
timmer k., at 11:26 PM
Wow. He used the same "female blonds are dumb" comment when I took that awful class. Then he glanced at me (a blond female). That I didn't respond to his lame example made him upset. It was great.
Allison, at 5:36 PM
Yeah. I can't quite figure the guy out. My other favorite moment was when I asked him to help us understand "Practical Theology for Black Churches," and he said we would need to have a history of attending an african american church to get it. In the words of Micah, "Then what the hell are we reading it for?!!" That's how I felt too, but Micah is just so much more articulate than I could hope to be.
In other news, Micah still hasn't read the book.
timmer k., at 10:41 AM
Sorry if my last comment was rude, but it seems validated by everyone's comments.
What is the point of this class, and why do you all take it?
What are your texts?
It is sad because culture classes should be interesting and helpful
Joe, at 4:18 PM
It wasn't rude, Joe, it was accurate. It seems like the "practical classes" are a big waste of time and the theology/bible classes are the good ones. We are using "Manana" by Gonzalez--that one is FANTASTIC; "Black Church Beginnings" by Mitchell--that one was pretty ok; "Pract. Theo. for Black Churches" by Andrews--that one was AWFUL; and a couple more I haven't read yet.
The point of the class...hmmmm...that's a good question. I've been in lectures for four weeks now and I'm still not sure. It's probably something about not hating racial minorities...
Pastor Steve made an interesting comment to me about that class. He said it seemed odd that a "Culture in Ministry" class would spend so much time exploring other cultures when very few people have a grasp of how to work well with their own. True dat, I said.
timmer k., at 4:33 PM
sorry it is a big waster of time. My culture class was amazing at Trinity. Focused on culture generally enough it helps us understand our own culture and furthmore the culture of the Kingdom of God.
I guess school always has dumb waste our time classes
Joe, at 11:23 AM
Just for the record - I actually do like Albanians. They're nice, and have tons of great things to offer the world.
Also, I wanted to give a little commercial for a GREAT class at Bethel - World Christianity, as taught by Wilbur Stone. It's the polar opposite side of the helpfulness scale as this Culture and Ministry class. It was in the same vein topic-wise, but insightful, practical, and theologically challenging. One of the best classes I've ever taken, and I've taken A LOT.
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM
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