New Olympic Event?

You know what's weird? Afghanistan. Really weird. What you're looking at is three men playing a traditional Afghani game called Buzkashi. You can read up on the game , but you probably don't need to. The goal is simple--be the first horseman to carry a beheaded, dead goat across the oponent's goal line--no, seriously.
The written, official rules are as follows:
Ok, I'm done.
There really are no "official rules" to the game, but there are some unwritten, universally understood rules rules. These include:
- No tying the dead goat to your saddle
- No striking your oponent's hand while trying to steal the dead goat
- No tripping your opponent's horse with a rope to gain progress with the dead goat
After a day or two a winner of the match is announced, at which point a no-holds barred, bare-back horse race commences. Commonly the racers will plot one another's death as a part of the festivities.
And you thought curling was weird.
In other sporting news, the Twins prevailed over the Red Sox in the spring training opener. Four scoreless innings were pitched (two by Santana and two by Silva). Three homeruns were hit (one each by Hunter, Mauer and Ford). I'm predicting a good year, friends. GO TWINS!!
Um, my mother was a starter for the US Buzkashi team, and I find your statements really offensive.
mjonthemove, at 12:36 PM
Tim, mon frere,
how could you never have heard of buzkashi? Have you been living under a rock or something? I'm surprised you never saw the U of M buzkashi club play, they practice out on Northrop mall sometimes.
Topher, at 1:55 PM
I hope Kirby's gonna be okay.
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Zalm. He was my childhood idol. Every kid in my neighborhood wanted to BE Puckett...except for those crazy Brewer fans. They all just grew mullets and prayed to Robin Yount and Rob Deer :)
timmer k., at 3:49 PM
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