The Speckled Mind

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stand Up And Be Counted!

So...there's a basketball tournament starting tomorrow. A big one. Even those like me, who didn't pay much (read 'any') attention to NCAA men's basketball during the regular season are now 'experts'.

I'm pulling for Gonzaga. I know nothing about them.

Let's face it, this is about the most fun you're gonna have watching sports this year. It doesn't matter if you have a team in the tournament or not. It really doesn't even matter if you're interested in basketball. This year, when you see #10 Seton Hall pulling away from #2 Tennessee in the last two minutes of the second round, you'll be on the edge of your couch, whether you have a vested interest in the game or not.

Don't spill your soda.

And though a team like #16 Southern is playing against #1 Duke, and they have no chance of winning the basketball game, they are still winners. They made it to (arguably) the country's most beloved sporting event. What can I say, it's all about the love of the game--there really are no losers with March Madness.

Oh, except businesses. They're gonna lose plenty.

Because the good folks at NCAA sports are kind enough to make the games available on line for free, no one needs to work on Thursday or Friday...even while they're at work. The estimates I saw placed the losses in worker production somewhere between $1.3 and $4.0 BILLION DOLLARS.

That's right, I said Billion.

This led to an interesting conversation between my brother and I. How exactly do they measure that statistic? Do they walk in to businesses (in the presence of bosses and all) and ask, "Who here is going to watch baskeball games on their computer instead of working?"

"Jones? Yes. Good."

"Phillips? You too, good. Thank you."

"Anyone else?"

"Jones and Phillips, how much do you make? Hmmm...excellent. Thank you."

Maybe they went around to thousands of businesses asking those questions. Or...maybe Bill Gates is just gonna take it easy this Thursday and Friday.

Mr Gates, I salute you. If for only a day, we are exactly alike.


  • I know what you mean. I don't care at all about basketball, but I have a bracket and $10 invested now. By the way, I know you are pulling for Gonzaga, but you are going to see Memphis beat the crap out of them like they did before. Go Tigers!!!

    By Blogger Jess(ica), at 8:03 PM  

  • Boo...I believe what you mean is #1 Memphis LOSING to #9 Bucknell in the second round. Bet on it :)

    By Blogger timmer k., at 9:04 AM  

  • Bucknell is such a trendy pick. You don't want to be trendy do you Tim? Bucknell sucks, Memphis rules. Go Tigers!!

    By Blogger Jess(ica), at 2:25 PM  

  • What was that about Bucknell beating Memphis? Yeah, that's what I thought. Whipped 'em by 16. Go Tigers!

    By Blogger Jess(ica), at 6:07 PM  

  • Was that Phillips comment directed at me, because we all know I do not even have a job, so I am already a drain on the economy. In fact I can just watch basketball at my home on a TV or better yet at the bar down the street.

    By Blogger Joe, at 7:44 AM  

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