Living The Dream--But Not This Week

Hey friends. Brad and Jerod often joke about how I am "living the dream." They say this for any number of reasons, but one of the major pieces of evidence for their assertion is that I don't actually "work" at my job. In many ways I feel like the guy from Office Space.
Jess's job is very different. She bills her time in 8 minute increments. I was thinking how funny it would be if I did the same. It would look something like this:
8:00-8:08 : Drank coffee and stared at my desk
8:08-8:16 : See above
8: 16-8:24 : Checked email and fantasy baseball results
8:24-8:32 : Set fantasy baseball lineup for the current day and cursed Jason Giambi's recent ineptitude
8:32-8:40 : Drank coffee and stared at my desk
8:40-8:48 : See above
8:48-8:56 : Groaned and sighed while staring at my desk
It would go on like this pretty much the whole a normal week.
But not this week.
This week, I will be working like every other normal, red-blooded American. I will proudly (read 'begrudgingly') put in my 40 hours of honest, real labor. So, sorry for the blogging lapse. I promise it will get better again soon.
Yay! Let's hear it for pastor's!
mjonthemove, at 7:09 PM
I raised you better than that, but then your life is hard....
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
Thanks for that bit of cynicism, Matt. I was talking about my bookstore job. I'm not a "man of the cloth" yet.
timmer k., at 9:36 AM
Been there. Done that. Except I didn't drink coffee yet and didn't have a fantasy baseball team to check on.
Anonymous, at 12:31 PM
i want to play fantasy baseball. look me up next year.
jb, at 11:35 PM
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