For the Love of the City

The average looking white guy directly above this sentence is Dr. Timothy Keller. Rather than recite his bio, I'll just directe you to the Wikipedia article. The short version is that Dr. Keller is one of the country's biggest advocates for Urban Christianity. The following quote is taken from this audio program, which I highly recommend for your edification.
"Christians should be living in cities in far greater numbers than they are now because they want to...not out of guilt. There's nothing in the Bible that says you have to live in cities. But there's everything in the Bible that says you ought to want to."
This is just one of a hundred quotable moments in the program. Did I mention that I highly recommend listening to it? I can hardly think of a better way to spend the next hour and twenty-two minutes...of course, my imagination has never been that impressive.
In another thought provoking part of the presentation Dr. Keller talked about Churches becoming dynamic counter-cultures in society. In his words, as Christians we are called to be "radically the same and radically different" with regard to the people who live in our cities. The key is to choose carefully--and on a Biblical basis--which aspects of culture can be adopted, which aspects can be adapted, and which aspects should be ultimately rejected. Said differently, none of H. Richard Neibuhr's categories is sufficient in and of itself.
So that got me thinking.
Where do we take our stand? What are the core issues of Christian belief on which we must stand firm against howling cultural winds? What are the issues that have been forced into the core of Christian belief that should not be there? How does this all affect the way we should live within culture?
I'd love to hear feedback on this. I'll try to post some of mine as well.
Labels: Theological Musings
Tim, Long time! Yeah i was all over these podcasts....aside from Trike's laugh being heard above everyone elses these casts are the bomb...okay 99% them. The last message in the seiries where Dris just blasts our leaders about teaching Christ is amazing! Any way I had asked Trike about this "Keller" guy all the other speakers kept going on and on about, and he too didn't have enough good to say about Keller. Finally they added Keller's talks to the Podcast. Oh man! It was hard to listen to these talks and not feel a little bit convicted about looking at a house in Richfield....hey I am hopeing that it is prophectic, get it Rich Field...Jabez would be so proud! Anyhooooooooo.....Having grown up in the city proper my entire life (the North-side of Chicago,and don't even follow that statement up with "which Suburb?", until I was 21 and then South Mpls. most of my "adult" life) & then hearing Keller's talk put words to feelings that I have had since I can't remember when. I was always dumbfounded with the Sub-urbanities that would "come into the city" to "do" ministry. I thought it odd because those of us in the city never spoke of going to the 'burbs to do ministry. I guess I just kinda figured that I/we must somehow be less than polished in our faith & in our life because we lived in the city, so much so that those not in the city had to come in and save us...yet "they" left the city 'cuz it was so bad. I am not sure what this has to do with Keller's talk...but it's where I went as a life long city boy. I was convicted about what "we" are, or are not doing as a church in the city. It seems the whole College scene is more than covered....but what about the rest of the city? What effect do I/we have there? Keller's talk, and the Spirits shouting into my life has really brought me to some new places. I just need to move on what I know is true. Too much to explain, or rather to lazy to hunt and peck out all of my thoughts. So for now, nuff said. As for the whole "asspiring worship pastor" in your bio, stop being an ass piring and know that you have lead me and my house in worship. Tim you are a Worship Pastor, you are my Worship Pastor! Don't degrade what God has given to you....even in sarcasim. Hey by the way what other Podcasts are you listening to these days?
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM
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