
The sensation is a beautiful thing in itself. That level of unrestricted excitement rarely occurs in adulthood.
Think back again. Gift wrap flying into the air at the mercy of tiny but eager hands. Your mom nervously begging you to be careful. Your old man priding himself on his spectacular wrapping job. Your brother freaking out when he realized it was HIS gift you were opening.
Good times.
When I was in early grade school, there was nothing I wanted more than He-Man action figures. I can't remember what the allure was about those things. Maybe it was a subconscious aspiration to look like a steroid infested body builder who rode a tiger and had magical friends. Maybe it was a desire to participate in the cosmic struggle of good vs. evil. More likely, I just wanted to identify with a man who found it socially acceptable to walk around in his underwear and carry a battleaxe with him wherever he went.
Mom never did let me have a battleaxe.
Nevertheless. Do you remember the year you didn't get what you wanted? That fateful year when the packages that had held so much promise actually contained something you didn't ask for. The ritual described above proceeded in much the same way, but instead of pulling a new Ram-man or Orko from the cellophane you got....underwear.
There's nothing inherently wrong with underwear. It wasn't even that I particularly disliked it--after all, it worked for He-Man. The worst part was that feeling of unfulfilled expectations. And then, having to thank the giver of the gift for something that was CLEARLY a disappointment.
That's how autumn has been in Minneapolis this year. I so looked forward to the beautiful hues and unending weeks of low 60's temps--not too warm, not too cold. But that's not what we've gotten. Instead there were a few days of nice tempatures accompanied by stiff winds that blew all the leaves from the trees before they could be enjoyed. What should have been a reddish-orange delight to my eyes is now a brown crunchy mess under my feet.
This morning was dark and sleety. Tomorrow will be the same. Friday will be the same. Autumn is supposed to be the season that makes a life in Minnesota worthwhile, and it hardly made an appearance this year.
All my hopes for He-Man action figures have ended in underwear this Fall.
Oh, and the irony of a similar fate befalling my beloved Twins is not lost on me.
Labels: Autumn
I've been so busy I've forgotten to read your blog *gasp-I know*. It was nice to have a bunch to catch up on. This one made me laugh out loud and suggest the following: move to Tennessee... we have really LONG Autumn seasons, that usually do not end until Spring. Hha! Oh and those fall leaves on the trees of the hills of middle Tennessee... *sigh* I get to go to Nashville in 2 weeks and am so looking forward to it. By they way, it was 40 degrees warmer here yesterday than there. Hha again!
Jess(ica), at 12:49 PM
Dont forget to post the audio jounral link i requested last night. Peace
Bradley M, at 2:08 PM
Hey Timmer....I'm sorry Autumn was a drap in Mpls this year. We have had the most beautiful (and long) Autum over here in the Great Lakes State. I think it kind of helps that I live out in farm land now that I get to see tons of brillant colors....
that and the fact that I went camping last weekend in the Mackinac area :)
The colors looked even more magnificent burst through the light dusting of the first snow fall today.
Victoria, at 11:40 PM
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