The Speckled Mind

Monday, December 04, 2006

Mondays Need Beauty

I've got nothing profound to say this morning, but I did come across something beautiful, and I thought I'd share (for those who haven't seen them). The bottom line is that more advertising needs to go the direction of becoming better artwork in and of itself. I have a hunch that fewer people would be Tivo-ing past commercials if they were as good as these two for Sony Bravia. It also doesn't hurt to have Jose Gonzalez enlisted for the soundtrack.

This is last year's ad and probably my favorite of the two. (Click here for the hi-res version from the website--I highly recommend you see it that way.) Below is the 2006 edition.

Again, I recommend seeing it in hi-res. If you're interested in seeing how the thing was executed, you can also do that.

I encourage everyone, on this bleak winter day to notice something beautiful...and blog about it. The gauntlet has been, as they say, thrown down. Are you up to the challenge?



  • If it's a beautiful winter day here, does that mean that I need to blog about something bleak?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:03 PM  

  • Not necessarily, Zalm. But you should buy me a plane ticket to California. :)

    By Blogger timmer k., at 9:28 AM  

  • I took up your challenge, Tim. A feable attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

    Nothing inspires me like thousands of hi-def, colorful rubber balls tumbling through the streets of San Francisco.
    Add Jose, and, well, let's just say I needed some tissues. I even pulled out my special addition DVD of "Beaches."

    Seriously, thanks for the post on beauty. It was nicely timed, for my purposes. It's easy to get a little stubborn and melancholy on cold December mornings.

    But not as easy when you have lots of colorful, bouncing rubber balls.

    By Blogger Nate, at 2:03 AM  

  • I saw that commercial at the british commercial awards at the walker!!! you should go....they are, in one word, AMAZING. Seriously, Tim, they make you want to have commercials (and this is not just the marketing major in me talking). British commercials are about LIFE. Social issues, world issues, ISSUES. (Okay, so there were some that were your typical car/beer/materialistic life commercials, but still). GO. :o)

    By Blogger Bekah's Cloth Bums, at 12:51 PM  

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