whatever jess. you're still in school. when you're in the boat of paying for a mortgage, insurance, and EVERYTHING else that costs money...by yourself...you too may wish you could just be a trophy wife. Sometimes it sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
sorry tim/jess - i side with the girl. i'd give this up in a second.
I must admit in the beginning of this comment that I'm biased...for many good reasons I might add. :)
The Bethel girl epitomizes for me (albeit in an extreme form) the problem with conservative christian girl. It's not the longing to be married, to serve and love a partner, raise a traditional family or even wanting to avoid lonliness. I'm even ok with (big gulp) wanting to exist in "traditional" roles in a marriage.
I don't like said Bethel girl, although I know someone does which is good. From my perspective, Bethel girl is the problem I have with conservative christian girls. So here's my message to conservative christian girl: be strong, be courageous, be opininated, have goals other than the family and hubby, for God's sake be intelligent and informed...be you. Not just for guys like me (which is most likely what you don't want anyway...trust me) but for yourself. That will create a better marriage, family, husband and you.
Hold on there Rebekah, before you go too far into Jess still being in school and not paying for everything, do remember that the other bread winner is a seminary student. This begs the question: Who is the bread and who is the trophy mate? I don't know,... Which are you Tim? Are you the trophy or the sugar daddy? )
If she would have been home, barefoot and pregant in the kitchen where she belongs then she wouldn't be at Bethel to say stupid things for you to overhear, now would she?
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned."
~The story of where I've never been. The story of where I'd like to be...~
Women who think like this make me truly sad. Have you seen the facebook group "future trophy wives of america"? Yeah.
Jess(ica), at 11:00 PM
I want in. Too bad I'm a dude.
mjonthemove, at 11:31 PM
whatever jess. you're still in school. when you're in the boat of paying for a mortgage, insurance, and EVERYTHING else that costs money...by yourself...you too may wish you could just be a trophy wife. Sometimes it sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
sorry tim/jess - i side with the girl. i'd give this up in a second.
Bekah's Cloth Bums, at 11:37 PM
If the President can be a former cheerleader, then you can be a trophy wife.
Wasp Jerky, at 6:37 PM
I must admit in the beginning of this comment that I'm biased...for many good reasons I might add. :)
The Bethel girl epitomizes for me (albeit in an extreme form) the problem with conservative christian girl. It's not the longing to be married, to serve and love a partner, raise a traditional family or even wanting to avoid lonliness. I'm even ok with (big gulp) wanting to exist in "traditional" roles in a marriage.
I don't like said Bethel girl, although I know someone does which is good. From my perspective, Bethel girl is the problem I have with conservative christian girls. So here's my message to conservative christian girl: be strong, be courageous, be opininated, have goals other than the family and hubby, for God's sake be intelligent and informed...be you. Not just for guys like me (which is most likely what you don't want anyway...trust me) but for yourself. That will create a better marriage, family, husband and you.
Jerod Lucius, at 7:00 PM
Hold on there Rebekah, before you go too far into Jess still being in school and not paying for everything, do remember that the other bread winner is a seminary student. This begs the question: Who is the bread and who is the trophy mate? I don't know,... Which are you Tim? Are you the trophy or the sugar daddy?
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM
If she would have been home, barefoot and pregant in the kitchen where she belongs then she wouldn't be at Bethel to say stupid things for you to overhear, now would she?
I'm just kidding people. It's funny...
Anonymous, at 7:40 PM
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