Pan's Labyrinth

I'm going to see this movie tonight. I pretty much could not be more excited about it. Check here for a plot synopsis. The cinematography and storytelling are supposed to be amazing. Speaking of amazing--my wife got four free tickets for the show at the Lagoon in Uptown tonight. What's more, it's a pre-screening, so I get to have that feeling of superiority and exclusivity--ultra important when watching an art film.
Seriously though...
Check out the trailer below and tell me this doesn't look amazing. Jess said it got a 20 minute standing ovation at the Cannes film festival this year. I am absolutely giddy.
Labels: good movies
Wow. The preview makes it look WAY cooler than the poster. The poster kinda scares me. How was it?
mjonthemove, at 7:04 AM
Absolutely. Incredible.
You've got to see this movie. It was scary--but not in a horror kind of way. It was definitely a suspense sort of thing...but also like a fairy tale...but also INCREDIBLY violent. There were numerous parts where I had to look away.
Hands down the best movie I've seen in years. My wife wept and wept when it was over--it was that beautiful. Sometimes when you see a great piece of art, it's hard to describe what makes it so amazing--but you'll spend the whole day just thinking about it. Such was the case with Pan's Labyrinth. I can't recommend it enough.
timmer k., at 9:43 AM
Oooh. Eerie. I saw Pan's Labyrinth on Thursday as well, followed by Children of Men on Friday (which is also quite good). I agree. It's simply amazing.
Wasp Jerky, at 10:31 AM
Dude, how did you get the Twins baseball counter installed? That's so clutch. Please, help a brother out, I need your superior wisdom.
Topher, at 12:53 PM
I saw Pan's Labyrinth tonight at the new Rosedale theater (nice! and currently only $6 for all shows!). My only question is, was any of the fantasy real, or was it all just a game made up for the purpose of survival; for Ophelia, for her mom, and then ultimately her baby brother?
I would say it was all made up, and I think the movie is even better that way.
Anonymous, at 1:01 AM
Hey Jarrod. Glad you found your way over here!
I'm really glad you asked that question about how much was fantasy and how much was reality. I think the film leaves it completely ambiguous and here's why:
If it was all just make-believe, how was Ophelia able to get out of her room that was guarded by a man with instructions to kill her? It HAD to have been with the chalk that Pan gave to her, right? The movie leaves it ambiguous, but I don't know how I could draw (pun intended) a different conclusion. Also, I think we are supposed to take seriously the degree to which the root under the bed was connected with the baby in the mother's womb.
To me, the ambiguity of the answer to your question was the most beautiful aspect of the movie. Was it all made up, or in the climactic scene, was the step-father not able to see Pan because of his evil?
Man I need to see this movie again...did Katie go with you? Did she enjoy it?
timmer k., at 9:35 AM
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