For those of you keeping score at home, it's still snowing. We're hovering around 14" outside of my house right now, and I expect over 20" by the time I wake up tomorrow morning. The only thing in Minnesota exceeding the snowfall amounts today was (sadly) Carlos Silva's ERA--a whopping 22.50. Perhaps he was showing sympathy to his home state. That, or he's just a terrible pitcher. Logic and experience force me to lean toward the latter.
I'm soooooo not going to work tomorrow. But it's OK. I have
The Departed and
Syriana to keep me warm.
Labels: Bethel, good movies, Twins
I feel a little bit obligated to defend Carlos Silva... wait no never mind I DON'T.
Carlos Silva is about as valuable as an ice cream headache. He needs to mix his pitches better, meaning he has to throw something other than "the meatball" and "the hanging curve". If Terry Ryan knew what was good for us, he'd trade him for a quarter-pounder and fries ASAP.
Okay, I'm done now. I'll try to keep my rants on my own blog in the future.
Topher, at 12:46 PM
Maybe Ryan should trade him to the Royals. They just gave 55 mil to some pitcher who is maybe worth 1/2 French Fry (with no ketchup) more than Carlos Silva. (Gil Meche is 55-44 for his career, and 3rd in walks last year)
This is gonna be a long season if I try put any hope in the Royals. I always loved rooting for the underdog Twins. But underdog Royals? I prefer the Twins fondness for young farm-raised meat-ballers over the Royals high-dollar mediocre free agents.
Post_Fidelitas, at 11:57 PM
I know, you posted this over a month ago, but I've been seriously lax in my blog reading lately. With exams approaching fast, however, it's now time to catch up. Ha.
You got 20 inches of snow and we had to turn our a/c on... life's funny that way. (Move south, we'd accept you with open arms that aren't restricted by coats. Vive le sud!)
Jess(ica), at 3:21 PM
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