The Speckled Mind

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Faith Rising

It seems we've found a church.

I can't even express how glad I am that we're done church shopping. For multiple reasons--(1) it's very trying on the patience. And, (2) the term 'church shopping,' being accepted vernacular in America, betrays that the church in this country has been hopelessly co opted by the same materialistic values with which we are called to live in contrast. But I digress...

Ok. About the church--for those who attend Hope--if you can imagine what Hope would be like if it did liturgy, you'd have Church of the Resurrection. They have the same commitment to church planting, to discipleship and they have an eerily similar demographic. Even the building reminds me of Hope (when we met on the U of M campus).

The differences--first, they do liturgy, as I already mentioned. I have to say after being in non-liturgical churches for such a long time, this is a really nice change. Liturgy, when it is done well, does a great job of telling the whole Biblical story every week.

I also really like that they do communion every week. And the way the service is ordered, it serves as the culmination of the time of worship. It's a beautiful thing. Oh, and another difference is the denomination. It is a part of the Anglican church of Rwanda--basically it is an African church plant. According to the pastor (or 'rector') the Anglican church in Africa began to send missionaries to the United States because of the Episcopal church's crisis over the authority of scripture (amongst other issues). According to the Bishop of Rwanda (and I'm paraphrasing here), "During the crisis of genocide in Rwanda, the United States turned its back on Africa. Now, in the spiritual crisis the United states is experiencing, we will NOT return the favor."

Pretty powerful stuff. It really turns the ethnocentric Christianity of America on its head.

That's all I've got for now. Happy Monday, everyone.

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  • I'm so glad that you guys found a church!! I know exactly what you guys went through. It is so refreshing to finally find a place where you can worship and fit in and just be part of the body!


    By Blogger Victoria, at 10:22 PM  

  • Looks good, my friend, and it is eerily like our church. Way to go, and I hope you are ministered to, as well as minister in that setting.

    You have to check out my blog (**cough**which I have noticed is no longer in your "blogs I read" **cough** anymore). Anyway, I know I am delinquint blogger and deserve the same. Do check out this awesome video on there though.


    By Blogger stevetreichler, at 10:35 AM  

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