Some Days Are Better Than Others

Like any other Friday at 11:40 I was heading home from work, walking through Union Station toward the Metro, when I was stopped suddenly in my tracks.
It was like I had walked into a brick wall.
At first, I thought I was mistaken. Was it really him, or just someone that looked like him? But any doubt in my mind was instantly erased by the sunglasses he was wearing (indoors) and the guitar he was carrying.
"Holy expletive," I thought. "I just walked past Bono."
Seriously, THE Bono. The one, the only. The rockstar, the maker of world peace, the founder of the One campaign. The subject of many, many blog entries by the myriad of crazy U2 fan-boys. So, I did what any self respecting music fan would have done at that point.
I turned around and followed him.
Fortunately I didn't have to stalk him for very long. He was just getting in line at the cab stand outside of Union Station. That's when the debate began. Because, I didn't want to be that guy. You know which one I'm talking about. The one who goes up to a well-known celebrity and makes a complete ass of himself.
And believe me, friends, I have the potential to be that guy.
At first, I decided I would just walk away. Maybe it was enough to tell my friends that I had seen Bono. But then I realized I could never forgive myself if I didn't at least say hello. So, abandoning my fears and throwing caution to the wind, I walked up to the most famous rock star in the world.
I said hello and then told him, "I have a number of friends who would literally kill me if I didn't at least shake your hand."
He laughed, shook my hand, looked into my eyes and said, "Be Well." I thanked him and walked away (with my dignity intact, I might add).
The moments following that meeting are still a bit foggy to me. I think I just wandered aimlessly around Union Station saying to myself (or, possibly out loud--I don't really remember), "Did I really just shake Bono's hand?!"
It was one of the most surreal moments of my life. Words fail me; I'll let Bono take it from here:
Some days you hear a voice
Taking you to another place
Some days are better than others
Labels: DC Life, good music
Nice. That is a great story. Thanks for sharing.
Are you ever going to wash your hand again?
BananaForce, at 3:56 PM
I have two thoughts:
1. That's hilarious because I can just see you wandering around Union Station in a daze after touching THE Bono, who is basically the best human being alive today.
2. What the hell was Bono doing waiting for a taxi outside Union Station with a guitar?
Nonetheless, you are now the coolest person I know. Well done, and props for your courage.
Jess(ica), at 3:58 PM
mjonthemove, at 6:10 PM
Holy [expletive] is what I'm thinking just as I read the account. I can't imagine what must have gone through your mind or come out of your mouth. Not too many celebrity's would catch my attention or move me to healthy reverence, but holy crap Bono is one of them.
Can't say I'm jealous. It's more that I'm moved by the simplicity of how this went down. You and the most famous rock god in the world there, alone and surrounded by throngs of people going here and there. In the midst of it all, with your heart likely thumping out of your chest, you manage a hello and shake his hand.
In one sense the polarities of the human spectrum came together-the most famous super rich with the lowly theology student/barista. On the other hand, just two guys that share a common love for music. It's a lovely scene in my mind. I'm sorry I missed it.
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM
ANd to think I thought my brother was cool because he met Sammy Haggar!?
Roger Messner, at 10:40 AM
Tim... May I say that your chance meeting so beat my bumping into Helen "I Am Woman" Reddy in NYC a few years ago! I also met Sunny Bono in DC years ago... Trust me, you beat me twice! ...Ian
Anonymous, at 10:24 PM
You didn't tell me he was carrying a guitar. That makes it even better!!
Post_Fidelitas, at 11:44 AM
tim -
i don't know you, i'm friends with matt glatzel. but i have to say that meeting bono is cool, even if you did end you post with some of the worst writing bono's ever done. that's the shittiest u2 song ever.
peter, at 7:00 PM
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