Why Does The Mississippi River Flow South?

Jess and I had to unexpectedly return to the Midwest this past week to mourn the passing of her 95 year old grandma, Jeanne Spellmeyer.
A number of interesting things happened while we were there. First--and I can't possibly say this forcefully enough--it is impossible to get a decent cup of coffee in the state of Iowa. What they refer to as 'coffee' is little more than hot brown water (light brown). Weak coffee always puzzles me immensely. Why can't everyone just make stronger coffee and then ADD WATER TO IT later if they like it weaker?! It's far better to do it that way, because if it's made weak, I have no options for making it stronger.
I did finally find a Starbucks on our way out of the state though...which was better, but it still had weak coffee for a Starbucks...
Second, be sure to take a close look at the photo in this post (from a restaurant menu). It was taken at a restaurant in Eagle Grove, IA (the ONLY restaurant in Eagle Grove, I might add); it was called 'The Family Table.' Apparently a 'veggie burger' in Iowa still includes a 1/3 lb. patty of ground beef. Also note that it was strategically placed on the menu between the 'Bacon Cheeseburger' and 'The Tonner'. Absolutely spectacular.
Third, one thing I did appreciate about Iowa was its cheap movie tickets. A few of the Ovel cousins and I saw I Am Legend at a theater in Clarion, IA. It cost 2 bucks. Just think--if I lived in Iowa I could see 8 movies on the big screen for the cost of one flick as a DC resident.
But then, of course, I'd have to live in Iowa (insert joke here).
Labels: Rant
That vegetable burger represents almost perfectly why I could never live in Iowa.
And seriously, movies cost 16 bucks a pop in DC? Did I do that math right? Because that's outrageous.
Jess(ica), at 12:57 PM
You are probably too young to know a vegetable burger means a burger with tomato, lettuce and onion on it.
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
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