Real Tim of Genius

Well, friends, I've done it. I've landed that big job I've been looking for.
Except, replace "big" with "part-time"...
And replace "job" with "pleasant, paid diversion from studying"...
And replace "looking for" with "stumbled upon"...
There. That looks better.
The truth of the matter is that I am the proud new owner of the title, "Barista." And before you mock me or pontificate on the stereotypical nature of this situation, I have two words for you:
Shut up.
Besides--no matter how well you can say it, someone else has already beaten you to the punch.
Just replace "Master's degree in Art History" with "Master's degree in Theology"...
Labels: DC Life, Ebenezer's
If I didn't have to drive so far, I'd come by and order a vanilla latte (with pride, mind you)--I might even tip you, if you smiled at me.
Seth, at 5:41 PM
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