The Speckled Mind

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I'm Dreaming of A...Complete Overreaction?

Well, friends, it's snowing like crazy here.

And by 'like crazy,' of course, I mean an inch and a half. And they're closing everything. The schools closed at 12:00 this afternoon in anticipation of the inch and a half of snow that would soon arrive. My place of employment had me salt the sidewalks so that 'no accidents would occur.'

Jessica and I may brave the weather and walk down to our local grocery store. There, we will stock up on canned goods and inquire about the possibilities of getting a generator.

Just remember, all ye hardy mid-westerners--these bunch of lightweights are daily making decisions that affect everyone in the world.

Did I mention it's supposed to reach 63 degrees on Monday?

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  • Yeah, people here in Belgium keeping talking about how horrible their winters are -- they rarely get below freezing, and get maybe a dusting of snow. !?!

    Thanks for the comment you left re: Matthew's back. He's doing a lot better -- I should update on the blog.

    Read a bit about music on your blog here too -- you should check out my brother-in-law's band: They're really wonderful . . . super talented and just fun too. Just got done with a tour in England, where Matthew got to see them play.

    By Blogger Jennifer Lee, at 9:24 AM  

  • Welcome to the rest of the country. Over-reaction? Maybe. But we in the more southern regions don't have the capacity to deal with any snow either. So a little becomes a big deal. Enjoy the time off!

    P.S. Don't get all Midwestern elitist and talk about that one time with 17 inches, and that was a storm, and blah, blah, blah. That just pisses us off. Ben's been here in the South for 3 years and he still hasn't figured that out yet.

    By Blogger Jess(ica), at 12:21 PM  

  • Dude, no post on the Tigers trade?
    You gotta give me something my friend.

    By Blogger Jerod Lucius, at 1:36 PM  

  • Jennifer--I checked out the band. I really, really like what I heard. I noticed that they were one of Past Magazine's 'Bands of the Week' a while back. I love that publication. I will add them to the list of bands that I'm watching. Thanks for the heads-up.

    Jess--You say 'Midwestern Elitism', I say 'Truth.' Potayto, Potahto. =)

    Jerod--I'm just trying not to be sad right now. This is the first time in a while that I've been this pessimistic about the Twins' chances before the season even starts.

    By Blogger timmer k., at 4:16 PM  

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