
You're thinking, "He was just looking for an excuse to use that graphic. He can't possibly have a relevant reason for posting that (other than it being very, very funny)."
Well, friends, you're only half right in that assessment of my motivations. I was, indeed looking for a reason to use that graphic, and today I hit the relevance jackpot.
Apparently running into internationally renown people is becoming a habit for me. Today, I was minding my own business at work--and who should ask for a large, skim, decaf latte but Rick Warren. Wow. I thought being one of the world's best selling authors would allow a person to live it up a bit more. Maybe Skim and Decaf are the price of fame...
Mr. Warren grabbed my hand, gave it a hearty shake and announced his name to me. The only similarity to my meeting with Bono is that I didn't really know what to say to this guy either--but for totally different reasons. With Bono, I was flat out star struck. With Warren I was just ambivalent. So, I said the only thing that came to mind:
"I enjoyed your interview on the Colbert Report."
He smiled uncomfortably as if to say I had brought up an awkward subject. It seems as if Mr. Warren was feeling some ambivalence of his own. I did, however, refrain from commenting about the 'B-list' guests on the comedy shows these days (with the writer's strike and all). I guess you take what you can get, right? And nothing is more 'purpose driven' than that.
Labels: DC Life, Ebenezer's
You're like a magnet for celebrity, huh? I routinely go the same starbucks as our county mayor. Oooo.
I thought his interview on The Colbert Report wasn't too great actually. I might have mentioned his helping the fight against AIDS or world poverty or something. Though that would probably sound trite.
I guess you need to start working on your "what to say to famous people" savings account of one liners.
Jess(ica), at 11:09 AM
Did he actually introduce himself as, "Hi, I am Rick Warren" That would be sweet?
Joe, at 5:38 PM
I think I am more impressed with your first encounter....
Victoria, at 9:24 PM
Just WoW.
Anonymous, at 9:02 AM
Rant on: I read some chapters of his book and then promptly threw it across the room when I got to his scripted prayer for us in either ch. 5 or 6.
If he introduced himself to me, I'm sure that I'd be nice, but I wouldn't be thinking nice things in my head. Is that too honest for blogland? Probably. I'm sure someone will take me aside later.
mjonthemove, at 6:44 PM
Dude why you gotta be a hater?!
Roger Messner, at 10:48 PM
There is an inherent level of respect due to any person for just being a child of God, and respecting the gifts that God has given him. Rather than detract from someone personally, build them up, encourage them, uplift them, join them in their struggle; do the best you can to go in a positive direction. Use the gifts you have to thrust them forward toward Christ. While you may not agree with the theological fine-dissection of his ministry, can you appreciate his heart for the lost? Mom and I love the gifts you have been given and the way you treasure God's word, and the excellence you bring to your efforts. Have you ever prayed for the places where you disagree with Warren's efforts?
We love you -
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
Mom and Dad.
You two should know better than anyone when I'm being silly and when I'm being serious. This blog entry landed heavily upon the former. If I wanted to dissect Rick Warren's theology or methodology, I would have done so.
This was all tongue in cheek. As you've admonished me to do so many times in my youth, I now advise you: "Lighten Up."
timmer k., at 6:35 PM
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